We the journalists, in order to form a more informed world, establish credibility, insure balanced and fair reporting, provide for a public agenda, promote general representation, and secure the blessings of free speech to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this personal code of ethics.
Code Principles:
(1) Pursue Truth
-The primary goal of a journalist is to “seek truth and report it” (SPJ Code of Ethics). While I recognize how important the art of storytelling is in journalism, the truth should be the backbone to all news stories I write. I identified three specific techniques that will help me to focus on the truth. While accuracy is not always truth, I plan to use these methods of accuracy to find and display truth.
-Thorough reporting- Focus on finding, quoting, and identifying multiple
sources to maintain accurate coverage.
-Providing proportional representation- “Guard against extended coverage of
events or individuals that fails to significantly advance a story, place the
event in context, or add to the public knowledge” (RTDNA Code of Ethics).
-Eliminating misleading distortions- “Never distort the content of news photos
or video.
… Label montages and photo illustrations” (SPJ Code of Ethics).
-“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
(2) Balance Coverage
-Journalists are humans, and humans all have personal biases making objectivity difficult to maintain. Just by how stories are covered or how they are arranged in a newscast, journalists demonstrate their biases. I will compensate for my own bias by balancing each story I write by using multiple interviews to voice both sides of an issue.
-“Present a diversity of expressions, opinions, and ideas in context” (RTNDA Code of Ethics).
-“For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things,” (2 Nephi 2:11) – this includes news stories.
(3) Set the Agenda
-Reporters have the understood responsibility to bring story ideas to the table – essentially we decide what makes news. In many ways the news business provides a public forum. People will go to the news to explore topics of discussion. I realize that journalists have the power to set the standards for what content comes into public discussion, and I intend to use that power in pursuit of the general freedom of information and ideas. Journalists should not tell people what to think, only what to think about. Once the people have been adequately informed, they can use their agency to make decisions.
-“Journalism must provide a forum for public criticism” (Elements of Journalism 166).
-“That every man may act in doctrine and principle pertaining to futurity, according to the moral agency which I have given unto him, that every man may be accountable for his own sins in the day of judgment” (Doctrine and Covenants 101:78).
(4) Provide a voice for the Voiceless
-Through broadcast, radio, print, and now web medias, journalists are able to make their voices heard by the general public. They have the unique ability to influence thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands, of people, and they must do so fairly and justly. As a future journalist, I will “recognize that service in the public interest creates an obligation to reflect the diversity of the community” (RTDNA). I will not disregard or diminish the importance of the public interest in my work. I understand that not many people have the privilege of making their issues heard, and I feel that in these cases, advocacy journalism is called for. In general, journalists are to be objective and balanced, but occasionally we have to step in and aid the needy by preserving their Constitutional right to freely speak and their inherent right to be heard.
-“Comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable” -Finley Peter Dunne. We must stand up for the needy especially when they are being suppressed by the comfortable.
-Harold B. Lee says in some ways the LDS church has this same purpose. “Some persons need to share with others their material blessings of the earth. Some persons are too comforted and too much at ease in their life style—and they need to become dissatisfied enough to change for the better” (The Message by: Joseph F. Smith).
(5) Minimize Harm
-Journalists often have to cover stories that will hurt someone in some way. Whether or not I believe the person deserves to be negatively portrayed, everyone deserves basic respect. We are all children of God with great worth. I must always consider the effects of my actions as a journalist. I must think about the family of the convicted killer or of the rape victim and treat each situation with not only accurate and complete coverage, but also kind and sincere compassion.
-“Show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage. Use special sensitivity when dealing with children and inexperienced sources or subjects” (SPJ).
-“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Golden Rule).
(6) Accept Responsibility
-Journalists have been given great power and protection by the first amendment, and with those rights comes significant responsibility. As a journalist, I will always be accountable for my actions, and I will equally shoulder responsibility for my mistakes and successes. I realize that my profession will not give me immunity to the law. Rather, being a journalist will require my strict adherence to the laws established by the government because of the many liberating rights that these laws have granted for the freedom of speech.
-“Respond to public concerns. Investigate complaints and correct errors promptly and with as much prominence as the original report” (RTDNA).
-“The substance of rights must depend on either the voluntary fulfillment of responsibilities or the legal enforcement of duties,” and voluntary obedience is economical while legal enforcement is expensive (Religious Values and Public Policy by: Dallin H. Oaks).
(7) Be Humble
-I spoke to a current anchor at ABC Channel 4, and he said the greatest downfall for journalists is pride. He is one of the few that I’ve seen who has been able to not only progress in the reporting field, but also keep his family together. When I asked him how he managed this, he said he always put his family first, and he never let himself get the “Anchor mentality” of thinking he’s better than the ordinary person. I know that even if I am on the news and many people in my community recognize me, this does not give me the right to be lifted up in pride. In fact, this will make humility even more important because if I submit to pride, I will lose sight of what is most important: my family and my eternal goals.
-“Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance” (SPJ).
-“Humility is the catalyst for all learning” (Our Strengths can become Our Downfall by: Dallin H. Oaks).
(8) Light the way
-As I journalist, I believe I will also take on a teaching role. Many people will look to me for guidance and direction. Many people will also make their daily decisions based on the news I present. I will not abuse this power. Instead, I will recognize the significance of my job and teach with accountability. I will sift through the overwhelming amount of information available, and I will report on, what I believe, is most important for the public to hear. This is my civic duty: to report the truth and guide the way, so the people will be able to make more informed decisions.
-“Give light, and the people will find their own way” (Newsroom Magazine).
-“I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves” (Joseph Smith, Jr.)